If you want to go natural, let no stop you, yes there will be haters I know, but a beautiful lady once told me "Ignore haters, don't have time for ignorance"
You are African your hair is Kinky and beautiful, Your natural hair is not unruly, matted or unprofessional, no not at all,Your hair is whatever you want it to be, do you want your hair to be long? It can be long our hair grows. And it will grow long naturally and beautifully.
I remember a friend of mine saying Africa is just cursed, that we are the ones with the worst skin, the ugliest features, terrible hair and bad weather, my response too that was "That's your business, I love my hair, I love my skin and I love my Africa " You should never be ashamed of how you are ;the. Colour of your skin, your hair texture,your broad nose or brown eyes. I am African, I am Natural and I am proud to be African and I urge every African to ignore the European form of beauty and embrace the true beauty, the beauty that is real and not fake, You are most beautiful the way you truly are.
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