Sunday, 26 April 2015


Going natural, What does it really mean?
Is it about joining the bandwagon of ladies cutting their relaxed hair to grow healthier natural hair ?
Is it what's in vogue and it looks attractive ?
Is it that You realised that relaxing your hair, bleaching your skin is selfhate and you have decided to love yourself the way you are i.e Appreciate your God given beauty?
You have suddenly realised you are African and Africans have afros and dark skin, and relaxing your hair is a slave mentality and you want to stop it ?
But seriously what's your reason for going natural.
Initially I went natural because, I saw other naturalistas with long hair, beautiful twist out, afros and what not.
I was obsessed with the natural hair of ladies I saw online, in my mind my hair would grow that way.
I bigchopped and then it became clearer when the relaxed ends where off, it was no longer about, long healthy hair, it was about God.
God made my ass black and my hair kinky, He makes no mistakes, so why am I trying to correct myself ?
Most pictures of natural hair online to me are just fake, like seriously, your ass is darker than mine and you are sporting 2c curls and you would see some ladies chanting "hair crush, I wish my hair was like that "
Going natural should be about appreciating yourself the way you are, not dying your hair purple, blonde, red, green or blue.My dear that's not natural it's not your real hair colour, You went natural, so stop being fake.
You are natural, no biggie be natural, don't act it.
And to permies out there, It's your choice to relax your hair, but remember God makes no mistakes, he gave you an Afro for a reason, I am natural not because of Hair crush, length checks, Natural hair meet ups, natural hair products or Whatever. I am natural because I was born this way, God made me this way and I would never change it.

Sunday, 22 March 2015


Sorry so this post is late, I hope am forgiven, this the story of Beth Short aka THE BLACK DAHLIA


"The Black Dahlia" was a nickname given to Elizabeth Short , a woman who was the victim of a gruesome and grotesque murder. Beth was born in July 29th 1924 and she was murder on January 15th 1947 ( she was 22) ,until her murder she was a waitress.

On the morning of January 15, 1947, the nude body of Elizabeth Short was found in two pieces on a vacant lot on the west side of South Norton Avenue midway between Coliseum Street and West 39th Street .
Local resident Betty Bersinger discovered the body about 10 o'clock a.m, as she was walking with her three-year-old daughter.Bersinger at first thought it was a discarded store mannequin.When she realized it was a corpse, however, she rushed to a nearby house and telephoned the police.

Beth's severely mutilated body was completely severed at the waist and was completely drained of blood. The body also had obviously been washed by the killer. Beth's  face had been slashed from the corners of her mouth to her ears, creating an effect called the Glasgow smile. Beth also had multiple cuts on her thigh and breasts, where entire portions of flesh had been sliced away. The lower half of her body was positioned a foot away from the upper, and her intestines had been tucked neatly under her buttocks. The corpse had been "posed", with her hands over her head, her elbows bent at right angles, and her legs spread.Nearby, the detectives found a cement sack which contained droplets of watery blood. There was also a heel print on the ground amid the tire track.

An autopsy stated that Short was 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 m) tall, weighed 115 pounds (52 kg), and had light blue eyes, brown hair, and badly decayed teeth. There were ligature marks on her ankles, wrists, and neck. The skull was not fractured, but Beth had bruises on the front and right side of her scalp, with a small amount of bleeding in the subarachnoid space on the right side, consistent with blows to the head.The cause of death was determined to be hemorrhaging from the lacerations to her face and shock from blows on the head and face.

Due to the notoriety of the case, over the years more than 50 men and women have confessed to the murder, and police are swamped with tips every time a newspaper mentions the case or a book or movie is released about it.
When I read this black Dahlia story, I knew I had to share it , it's just a really sad end for this young beautiful woman, Beth Short , Was she just a victim of a random serial killer or was her gruesome death her fault, the truth is that we may never know, But let this be a lesson to all young girls be careful and be extra 
extra prayerful, No one deserves to die the way that young woman did. 
That's all for today 

Please comment below 
And see you guys next post 

Thursday, 19 March 2015


Lol, I know the title sounds obscure but it really did happen, I crawled into a gutter, if you are in University of Benin you will know this gutter, it's in front of social science faculty, this is what actually happened.

My friend was feeling sick, so she begged me to follow her to the health centre, on our way there, I had to withdraw some money, after doing that ,we started walking back to the Health centre , we were walking on the paved gutter, I was trying to fit my Atm card into my wallet, when it slipped off my fingers and into the gutter it went, I, first of all let out a scream.
My friend was like what happened and I told her my Atm card fell into the gutter and that I just had to get it back (to tell you the truth, I didn't want to wait on queue again for this card, I just got it and I had to go to the bank more than four times and to different branches before I could get it) .
I told my friend, I wanted to go into the gutter and get it, and she was like go now, so I decided to go in, luckily for me there was an opening not too far, two of the slabs were broken . 

The broken slabs 

After 5 minutes of summoning the courage to go in , armed with a torch ( that I for some unknown  reason always carry around) entered the gutter, it was clean but there were so many lizards everywhere, I was even scared I would see a snake and I have a serious fear for snakes,  lo and behold the card was further than I thought, I felt claustrophobic and I wanted to come out. 

Where my Atm fell

My friend Winnie and I

My friend told me to be brave and just do it immediately, then she offered to go into the gutter with me, when she was in, I felt better, she told me to hurry and get it, that she would be here at the entrance  waiting for me, I was too tall to stand  fully so I had to semi crawl( fastest semi crawl I would ever have to do in my life) . In about 2 minutes I was got to the card picked it up and semi crawled ( 3x faster than the first one) and I got to the end with the card in my hand, geeeez my heart was pounding so so hard, my friend was at the entrance  laughing so hard at me, I started to laugh too, and when I came out the woman outside was laughing too, it was really an experience ( now I can cross crawling in a gutter off my life LOL) 
What's the point of all these, 
There is no point actually just thought it would make a really funny story LOL

Sometimes we just have to live a little have fun and do weird things, am I right or Wrong

If you were in my shoes, what would you do, please comment down below, please

Thank you and see you next post

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Today my focus is today is on Vitamins, what are vitamins

Vitamins are organic compounds and vital nutrients that an organism requires in limited amounts.
The body actually needs an appropriate amount of vitamins from food to maintain normal function of cells,tissues, and organs, vitamins promotes growth, improve metabolism, immunity and so many other functions.
Vitamins are divided into two categories
Fat soluble
Vitamin A, D, E and K
Water soluble vitamins
Vitamin B and C
Today my focus is on vitamins that actually aid hair growth, there natural sources, effect of deficiency and toxicity from overdosing on vitamin supplements .
Vitamin A (Retinol)

Vitamin A is highly important for your body, but toxicity of Vitamin can counteract hair growth, so taking them in large quantities should be avoided especially in vitamin supplements. Vitamin A maintains healthy skin,hair, and nail , enhances protection and regeneration of cells, mucous membrane, promotes growth of healthy bones and teeth, maintains good eye vision
Natural Sources include
Dairy products, cod liver oil,dark green and yellow veggies and fruits.
Deficiency ; Night blindness, dry eyes,weakbones and teeth
Toxicity ; hair loss, liver injury, headache, Dry scaly, peeling and itchy skin.

Vitamin B(B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12)

This is actually a large class of vitamins and they have their own individual functions but I will concentrate mainly on the ones that help with hair growth, but never the less, they are very important in general. They help produce red blood cells, promote growth, maintain healthy skin,hair and nails, they also help in hormone enzymes and antibody production. 
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) plays a role in nourishing the scalp ,promoting healthy hair growth, B7 (Biotin) Most naturalistas take this pill for healthier, longer hair. Instead of the pill, each foods rich in biotin eg Raw egg yolk, Liver,peanuts, leafy greens
Natural sources for other Vitamin B's .
Meat, Vegetables, whole wheat cereals, liver, eggs, beans, yeasts etc
Deficiency ; Dry skin, weakness, Beriberi, fatigue, brittle hair, decreased immunity etc
Toxicity is not common because water soluble vitamins are actually excreted in urine and sweat.

Vitamin C(Ascorbic acid) 

It actually helps in synthesising collagen, promotes the growth and repair of cells, blood vessels etc. It helps healing after injury and it enhances immunity. Its one of the best vitamins for hair and skin, I won't advice supplements, Vitamin C is easy to obtain and it's better utilized in its natural source
Natural source ; Citrus fruits, tomato, leafy vegetables, green pepper 
Deficiency ; scurvy, gum bleeding, weakness, fatigue, pale skin and hair
Toxicity ; Abdominal pain diarrhoea and kidney stones 
Citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin c, the peelings can be dried and infused in your favourite oils for body and hair you.

Vitamin D(Cholecalciferol)

Vitamin D helps to maintain bones, teeth, skin, hair, brain and keep them healthy 
Natural source ; Egg yolk, liver, fish, cod liver oil, Our bodies actually synthesizes our own Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the early morning sun 
Deficiency ; Rickets in Kids,osteoporosis in Adults 
Toxicity ; Calcified cartilage, vomiting, diarrhoea, sore eyes, itchy skin

Vitamin E(Tocopherol) 

It is essential in keeping your hair growing healthy, it maintains normal condition of cells and healthy skin,hair and tissues and it is an antioxidant. 
Natural sources are; green leafy vegetables, whole wheat cereals, nuts, egg yolk
Deficiency ; weakness in Adults
Toxicity ; headache, dizziness, fatigue, stomach and discomfort. 

This is all for today, eat well and enjoy your natural hair journey guys. 
Good bye and see you next post

Friday, 13 March 2015


Today our focus is on the experiments done on the Jews by the Germans it's gravely horrifying


When Allied forces liberated Auchwitz in January of 1945, they found living and deceased human skeletons. Among these skeletons were those of the treasured twins of Dr. Josef Mengele. Although experiments were performed on many types of people at Auschwitz, twins were targeted directly. Mengele performed heinous experiments on identical and fraternal twins of all ages to learn about genetic and environmental traits, and also how to multiply the Aryan race through the birth of twins.

Mengele was obsessed with finding vast numbers of twins. During railhead selections, he would become extremely excited when twins were discovered. He would shout, "Zwillinge, Zwillinge," meaning "twins, twins!" Soon it would become known to the people on the trains that Mengele desired twins. Parents would put children of roughly the same age and appearance together and have them announce, "Wir sind Zwillinge," which meant "We are twins". In this way, many children who were not twins were spared death and instead lived a painful life. Mengele would stop truck convoys headed for extermination because they contained just one set of twins. Hardly any twins escaped Mengele’s selection process

After the twins were selected, they were housed in special barracks. Mothers of young female twins were allowed to stay with their daughters for a short time. On Mengele’s orders they were given almost adequate food, comfortable beds, and hygienic living conditions. It is alleged that at times over 200 pairs of boy twins were housed under Mengele’s care. They were tattooed with a special number sequence that included the letters "ZW" for "twins." An older child or an adult twin was made block chief and called "Zwillingsvater," or "twins’ father". The twins were treated as priceless objects. They were only permitted to have a light job such as a messenger, and harsh penalties followed anyone who was found to have been beating them. Mengele would visit his subjects often. He would bring them gifts of candy and clothing. Many of the children adored Mengele and called him "Uncle Pepi" or Uncle Mengele. This treatment was used to build up their strength and to make them trust Mengele.

The next step the twins encountered involved scrutinization and humiliation. The twins were told to strip and sit next to each other. Mengele would examine every detail of their bodies. He or one of his assistants would spend hours measuring and comparing features of the twins. Mengele would concentrate on one part of the body, such as the eyes, for several hours. The subjects were naked for two to five hours . They were cold, scared, and sometimes cried. Some of his more prized twins were photographed. In one instance, a pair of dwarf twins girls named Elizabeth and Perla were paraded before an audience of 2,000 SS men and one visiting senior bureaucrat. Mengele would ask them questions about their family history including sicknesses and the possibility of more twins.

The next stage, called the "in vivo" stage involved a barrage of experiments on the twins that often left them emotionally and physically scarred for life. The twins would be infected with diseases such as typhus and their wounds were infected deliberately. Chemicals would be applied to the skin to see what color the reaction would cause. Parts of the body were stuck with needles and clamped to see how long the twins could bear the pain. Marc Berkowitz and his twin sister Francesca were two of Mengele’s victims. Marc described what occurred after they were strapped to the marble slabs. "I felt a needle digging into my back. My entire body was burning and the next thing I knew I was fighting from fainting". Forty years later, Marc still suffers from pains due to these injections. Mengele would give one set of twins a blood transfusion from another set of twins to observe the reaction. The twins would suffer from a severe headache and high fever. Mengele drew an estimated 10 cubic centimeters of blood from the twins at every session . Some of the blood was used for examination and even more was used to treat German soldiers on the front. The inadequate diet of the twins in Auchwitz made it difficult for them to reproduce blood, so it became harder to draw each time.

Some twins were studied because they were not exactly identical. In his examination of a pair of boys, Mengele found that one of the twins had an undescended testicle. He studied the other twin to learn more about the condition and of the possible genetic factors. Once, Mengele mistook the two Reichenberg brothers, who were close in age, for twins. One brother had a beautiful singing voice and the other could not carry a tune. Mengele performed crude surgery on their vocal cords to find out why. Ephriham lost all use of his voice and his brother was never to sing so sweetly again . Twin boys named Tito and Nino were taken away by SS officers after it was discovered that one of the boys was hunchback. They were returned three days later. Tito and Nino had been cut and sewn together, back to back, at the hunch and wrists. They were dirty and smelled of gangrene 

Mengele tried to change the color of twins’ eyes and hair. The eye experiments began in the summer of 1943. Mengele would inject different colors into the eyes of twins, which resulted in painful infections and sometimes blindness. Once, Mengele murdered three sets of twins in one day due to their eyes. Six of the eight children were heterochromes, meaning they had one blue eye and one brown eye. This was very rare, especially among twins. A Jewish inmate doctor named Vexler Jancu told of his discovery. "In June 1943 I went to a Gypsy camp in Bikenau. I saw a wooden table. On it were samples of eyes. They each had a number and a letter. The eyes were very pale yellow to bright blue, green, and violet". Mengele would also anoint the scalps of his victims with different substances to find information on what determined hair color. This produced severe pain for his victims.

When the twins were deemed useless due to illness or as the results of experiments, they were slaughtered. If one twin died, the other was killed for comparison of their organs and general development. Sometimes twins were killed just to resolve a dispute among doctors about a diagnosis. There were many ways that Mengele had his twins killed including gassing, shooting, and injection. Mengele would offer the twins a ride in his car. He would then either shoot them in the back of the head on the way or bring them to the gas chamber. Mengele would use either concentrated phenol or chloroform injected into the twins to kill them quickly. Mengele poured the solution into a bowl from which the executioner would fill a large syringe with a long needle. The patient’s left arm was positioned so that the chest was thrust forward. The right hand was placed either over the victim’s mouth or eyes. Then the needle was driven into the fifth rib space.

Gisella Perl was quoted as saying, "Our whole being concentrated on Mengele’s hands. Those hands had the power to condemn us to immediate execution or to prolong our miserable life by a few days" . This was the life of the twins who lived in Auchwitz. The gruesome experiments performed on them were endless. One minute, the twins would be enjoying the chocolate and new toy that was given to them by Mengele. The next minute would find them laying on an examining table in excruciating pain. The twins of Auchwitz were truly survivors and their story needs to be told.
 Some of the confessions of the survivors were;

Hedvah and Leah Stern:

When they opened the door to our cattle car,our mother became very frightened, "Stay with me, children," she told usrefusing to let go of our hands. But hen some prisoners told her in Yiddish, "Tell them you have twins. There is a Dr. Mengele here who wants twins."
Eva Mozes:

As I clutched my mother's hand, an SS man hurried by shouting, "Twins, twins!" He stopped to look at us. Miriam and I looked very much alike. We were wearing similar clothes. "Are they twins?" he asked my mother. "Is that good?" replied my mother. He nodded yes. "They are twins," she said.
Josef Mengele, aka Auschwitz's "Angel of Death," held a fascination with twins. As Auschwitz's senior "physician" he conducted "genetic experiments" on nearly 1500 sets of twins between 1943 and 1944. For this purpose, it was imperative to the weed out of twin sets from the lines of prisoners coming off the cattle cars. With the blessing and support of his senior and mentor Otmar Von Verscher at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, Mengele tested various genetic theories with the aim of illuminating Hitler's racial dogmas. Twins were particularly useful because a set of twins share an identical gene pool and their reactions to mutual treatments could be monitered with this in mind. Mengele also picked out individuals with any other physical abnormalities: midgits, dwarfs, hunchbacks. Because 10,000 prisoners might pass through this death camp in a given day, numerous pairs of twins could be found and plucked out as subjects for his "research."

Twins were kept in separate barracks from the other prisoners, and sometimes given preferential treatment. They were better fed than other prisoners, and monitered by gaurds who might be blamed if any of the twins fell ill or died. Unfortunately, this preferential treatment was short-term. Of the 3000 twins who passed through Mengele's labs, only 200 survived the war. Depending on the type of experiment endured by the twins, they were driven to various labs at Auschwitz or neighboring Birkenau camp. Most received routine blood and x-ray tests, often on a daily basis. Mengele's assistants in his experiments were often Jewish inmates with medical backgrounds who had been spared the gas chambers because of their skills.

Twins undergoing his experiments didn't know what the objectives were. It is known that he had a special pathology lab where he performed autopsies on twins who had died from experiements. It was located next to the cremetorium. Mengele's experiments both physical and psychological; experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one twin to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli, injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, the removal of organs and limbs, incestuous impregnations. One twin recalls the death of his brother:

Dr. Mengele had always been more interested in Tibi. I am not sure why--perhaps because he was the older twin. Mengele made several operations on Tibi. One surgery on his spine left my brother paralyzed. He could not walk anymore. Then they took out his sexual organs. After the fourth operation, I did not see Tibi anymore. I cannot tell you how I felt. It is impossible to put into words how I felt. They had taken away my father, my mother, my two older brothers--and now, my twin.
Mengele injected chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color. "One day we were given eye drops, " say Hedvah and Leah Stern, "Afterwards we could not see for several days. We were very frightened of the experiements. They took a lot of blood ... We fainted several times." Unfortunately a strict veil of secrecy over the experiments enabled Mengele to do his work more effectively, and "twins who were subjected to the most grusome procedures took his secrets to their graves." The full extent of his grusome work will never be known because the records he sent to Dr. Von Verschuer at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute were shipped out "in two truckloads" and destroyed by the latter. Any remaining notes Mengele carried with him on his escape to South America and those were never found. Some forty years after the war, only a 100 sets of these twins could be found, many living in Israel and the United States. Strangely enough, many of them recall Mengele as a gentle, affable man who befriended them as children and gave them chocolates. Since many had immediately been separated from their families upon entering the camp, Mengele became a sort of father figure. Still a tension existed, that at any time they could be killed if they did not keep a low profile. Older twins "recognized his kindness as a deception--yet another of his perverse experiments to test (our) mental endurance."

Thank God, God is not Man, My prayer for men like Dr Josef Mengele is that his fire in hell would be one of the hottest and his eternal torment the worst
Thanks for reading and see you guys next post.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Some time ago, I saw this picture online and it really annoyed me, but in a way I felt sorry for who ever made this statement, it just shows her level of education. Nowadays, people are returning natural, am talking about celebrities and TV personalities and so forth, Being natural is an amazing thing and I want other young ladies and women likewise to give up the creamy crack and appreciate their hair the way it grows out of their head, if you are a permie and you are reading this, look at these women and tell me, if they look like village women;

 Genevieve Nnaji

Hadassah Agbaps

Yvonne Nelson

Nse Ikpe Etim

Nse Ikpe Etim

Adesuwa Onyenekwe

 Chimamanda Adichie

Janelle Monae

Racheal Ocheja 
These women are natural and beautiful, so let them encourage you. You are beautiful in your most natural state.

Good bye and see you Guys next post

Monday, 9 March 2015

Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconuts harvested from the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). It has various applications in food, medicine, cosmetics and industry. Because of its high saturated fat content it is slow to oxidize and, thus, resistant to rancidification, lasting up to two years without spoiling.
Coconut oil can be used as a skin moisturizer, helping with dry skin and reduces protein loss when used in hair. The fatty acids and breakdown products in coconut oil can kill harmful pathogens, potentially
helping to prevent infections ,it's one of the few oils that can penetrate the hair shaft and conditions the hair shaft and coconut oil still has many more properties.

Making coconut oil is actually an easy procedure that you can carry out easily in your Kitchen. Do you like to DIY then try this.
Stuffs you will need
6 mature coconuts
A sieve
A handkerchief
A knife
A bowl
A blender

Remove the coconut from its shell (you are probably going to eat from it, LOL)
Wash the coconut and cut it into small pieces

Then put the coconut into the blender and blend thoroughly
After blending, then take a bowl and a sieve slowly pour in the blended coconut and allow the milk to drain out
When you are done sieving all the coconut milk, take a pot and pour in the coconut milk and allow it to boil
The water will boil off leave back the oil and some residue of shaft, so you would allow the oil to cool down, then pour the oil in a bowl covered with the handkerchief
If some residues are left try and decanter the pure oil, but if you can't just pour the oil in a bottle and ignore the chaff
I hope this tutorial helped someone.
Good bye and See you next post

Friday, 6 March 2015



This story is from Russia please enjoy

In the late 1940s , a gas was discovered to deprive one fully of sleep, the gas was called Nikolaqev. Researchers where trying to find out if the human body can take 30 days of no sleep, 5 test subjects where chosen for the experiment, these 5 test subjects where political prisoners, deemed enemies of the state. The prisoners where promised there freedom where they to survive the experiment. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so the gas wouldn't kill them because the gas was toxic in high concentration
This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with 
books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running water and toilet, and enough dried food to last all five subjects for over a month.
Everything was fine for the first five days; the subjects hardly complained having been promised (falsely) that they would be freed if they submitted to the test and did not sleep for 30 days. Their conversations and activities were monitored and it was noted that they continued to talk about increasingly traumatic incidents in their past, and the general tone of their conversations took on a darker aspect after the 4 day mark.
After five days they started to complain about the circumstances and events that lead them to where they were and started to demonstrate severe paranoia. They stopped talking to each other and began alternately whispering to the microphones and one way mirrored portholes. Oddly they all seemed to think they could win the trust of the experimenters by turning over their comrades, the other subjects in captivity with them. At first the researchers suspected this was an effect of the gas itself...
After nine days the first of them started screaming. He ran the length of the chamber repeatedly yelling at the top of his lungs for 3 hours straight, he continued attempting to scream but was only able to produce occasional squeaks. The researchers postulated that he had physically torn his vocal cords. The most surprising thing about this behavior is how the other captives reacted to it... or rather didn't react to it. They continued whispering to the microphones until the second of the captives started to scream. The 2 non-screaming captives took the books apart, smeared page after page with their own feces and pasted them calmly over the glass portholes. The screaming promptly stopped.
So did the whispering to the microphones.
After 3 more days passed. The researchers checked the microphones hourly to make sure they were working, since they thought it impossible that no sound could be coming with 5 people inside. The oxygen consumption in the chamber indicated that all 5 must still be alive. In fact it was the amount of oxygen 5 people would consume at a very heavy level of strenuous exercise. On the morning of the 14th day the researchers did something they said they would not do to get a reaction from the captives, they used the intercom inside the chamber, hoping to provoke any response from the captives they were afraid were either dead or vegetables.
They announced: "We are opening the chamber to test the microphones; step away from the door and lie flat on the floor or you will be shot. Compliance will earn one of you your immediate freedom."
To their surprise they heard a single phrase in a calm voice response: "We no longer want to be freed."
Debate broke out among the researchers and the military forces funding the research. Unable to provoke any more response using the intercom it was finally decided to open the chamber at midnight on the fifteenth day.
The chamber was flushed of the stimulant gas and filled with fresh air and immediately voices from the microphones began to object. 3 different voices began begging, as if pleading for the life of loved ones to turn the gas back on. The chamber was opened and soldiers sent in to retrieve the test subjects. They began to scream louder than ever, and so did the soldiers when they saw what was inside. Four of the five subjects were still alive, although no one could rightly call the state that any of them in 'life.'
The food rations past day 5 had not been so much as touched. There were chunks of meat from the dead test subject's thighs and chest stuffed into the drain in the center of the chamber, blocking the drain and allowing 4 inches of water to accumulate on the floor. Precisely how much of the water on the floor was actually blood was never determined.
The four test subjects also had significant chunks of flesh ripped from their bodies. The destruction of flesh and exposed bones on the subjects finger tips revealed that the wound were self inflicted with hands and not teeth, as thought by the researchers. 
The abdominal organs underneath the ribcage of all the 4 test subjects have been removed. But the heart, lungs, and diaphragm remained intact, the skin and muscle covering the ribcage where ripped off exposing the lungs. All arteries and internal organs remained intact, but the flesh were removed and placed on the floor, the digestive tract was seen digesting what appeared to be the subjects flesh, they had been ripping off and eating throughout the course of the day and night. The soldiers at a point refused to revisit the chamber to remove the test subjects because the test subjects put up a fierce fight while being removed from the chamber, one of the soldiers died from having his throat ripped off and another was gravely injured by having his testicles ripped off and an artery in his leg burst by the teeth of a subject, 5 soldiers seeing this committed suicide .One of the subjects had a ruptured spleen and fought till he almost bled to death, have more air than blood in his blood vessels, he bought the arm and rib of a doctor fighting to not be sedated, but he became weak and became silent.

The other 3 subjects were highly restrained and taken to the operating room.
The test subject with the ruptured spleen was forced under by anaesthetic gas the minute his eyes fluttered and closed his heart stopped beating, his muscles were badly torn and he had broken 9 bones
The second survivor enable to protest just shook his head violently when anaesthetic gas was brought to them and nodded when a Nurse suggested the surgery be done without anaesthesia, the surgery when on for 6 hours and the test subject felt no pain, the Nurse assisting the doctor claimed the subject's lips would curl in a grin anytime their eyes met. The subject with the messed up vocal cords kept wheezing and a pad and pen was given to him and he wrote keep cutting. The subjects were all operated on and the doctor replaced their abdominal organs and what remained of their skin. They were asked why they ripped off their skin, but all they said was 
"I must stay awake"

The 3 survivors where placed into a room and the Military benefactor started that the gas should be put back on, on hearing this the test subjects stopped struggling, the scientists  refused but were overruled. The test subjects where connected to an EEG monitor and had their restraints padded for longer confinement. The subjects happy to be put back in their chamber were trying different means to stay awake. One of the survivors had normal brain waves, but kept flat lining and returning to normal,as if constantly experiencing brain death, A nurse saw him put his head on the pillow and immediately his heart stopped and he was dead.
The only survivor that could talk, continued to beg for the gas and for the room to be sealed now. The military benefactor said the room should be sealed with the two remaining subjects and in addition 3 researchers, One researcher on hearing his name pulled out his gun and shot the commander in between the eyes saying "I will not be locked in here with these things " The rest of the researchers fled the scene and the Scientist shot the subject with the messed up vocal cords in the head, then he pointed the gun to the last subject and asked
The subject smiled and said, " Have you forgotten so easily"
"We are you, we are the chaos that exists within you all, begging to be free at every moment in your deepest animal mind. We have been that which you hide from in your beds every night, we are what you sedate into silence and paralysis when you go to the nocturnal haven we cannot tread " the researcher aimed at the beating heart of the subject and shot him, the subject flatlined while weakly choking out " So Nearly free "

God designed sleep for a reason, who knows what kind of demons or monsters they would have created if the experiment was continued with .
This is all for today,
See you guys next post Bye

Monday, 2 March 2015


A lot of black women have receding hairline, for some it's inherited from their family while for most it's due to their bad hair habits, hair dying, tight braids, tiny braids, cornrows popularly called Ghana weaving, Lace wigs etc are dangerous to your hairline. I knew a girl, I always see her on weaves and never her natural hair, one day I bumped into her in a saloon and I finally see why she was always on weaves, her hair line was excessively damaged and badly receding, She was so shy she tried to hide, I wanted to advise her that it would grow back, but she told me it was hereditary( big ass lie), I have seen hereditary receding hairline and hers is obviously damaged because she continues to fix her weaves without letting her her rest and she doesn't take care of her hair, she has made up her mind that her hair is bad and it would remain bad.

Another friend of mine had her hairline damaged badly by Senegalese twists and Threading, my friend has fine hair and it was really bad, so for some time she stopped protective styling her hair and got a wig.
She would cornrow her hair and maintain the style for a week, everyday she would massage with Jamaican black castor oil, when she goes out she would put on the wig and in a month her hairline was already growing very fast, I personally was impressed, with time the edges had grown back fully.

So my advice for ladies with bad receding hairline,
1. Stop applying Chemicals like Relaxers, dyes and hair products with bad chemicals, it's not hard it's either these chemicals or good hair growth, it's not easy to have both.

2. Ditch protective styling for a while especially lace wigs (ditch that for good), and opt for a simpler hairstyle like cornrows or mini twist (not usually extensions) and massage with an oil of your choice (preferably Jbco, coconut oil, olive oil, peppermint oil or rosemary oil) for about 4-7 times a week, the massaging will stimulate hair growth and thickness.

3.Onion, garlic and Ginger in some countries are used on patients with Alopecia Arreta and it is highly effective, if you can stand the smell, then combine and blend them and apply them to your hair, do it twice in a week and you would be impressed ,if you can't stand the smell, then eat them, but don't overcook so as to preserve the nutrients in them

4.stop harmful hair practices like over manipulating your hair, constant flat ironing, constant use of hooded or hand dryers, constant bonding, over processing, constant dying , trust me your hair will strive better without the aforementioned.

5. Before you do any protective styling ensure you deep condition or protein treat your hair, it's tres tres important, most  people with bad hair breakage don't treat their hair before and after protective styling to strengthen their hair, it's very easy and you don't have to go to a saloon, there are easy protein treatments and deep conditioning treatments you can make and apply to your hair  for strength, softness and shine.

6 . You have to moisturise your hair as a whole. Moisture is very important, without moisture your hair would be dry and easily break off, you can spray water or use a moisturising conditioner and apply oil or butter after to seal in the moisture.

7. Protect your hair while you sleep use a satin bonnet or a satin pillow because cotton pillowcase will remove moisture from your hair and also cause breakage, if you can't find a satin bonnet or pillow case, go to your tailor and ask her to make one for

8. Eat well and take multivitamins that aid hair growth.

9. Ensure you pamper your edges And take extra care of it and it will surely grow
Ps If your edges grow back, don't destroy it again, instead maintain the health of your hair no matter what.

That all for now
Bye Guys
And see you next post

Friday, 27 February 2015


Hey guys what's up, so sorry, I haven't been posting, I have been quite busy, anyway today day, my scary stories are from US of A please enjoy.

Ed Gein

Ed Gein was born in Wisconsin in 1906. He is commonly known as The "Plainfield" Ghoul" and "The Mad Butcher".  In 1944 Gein's brother was found dead from head trauma and smoke asphyxiation.  Gein had lead police to the body, but claimed that he had passed away due to a botched burning of a marsh.  The police ruled out fowl play and Gein was never charged with the murder.  Gein had a very close relationship with his mother, and upon her death in 1945 he had lost the one friend in his life.  Gein's began to become more and more withdrawn after his mother's death.  
Gein began to make nocturnal visits to a local cemetery and exhume bodies.  Police did not become aware of his actions until 1957, when a local hardware store owner went missing.  Police eventually suspected Gein and got a search warrant for his home
When Gein was finally arrested police walked into a horrifying scene.  Inside Gein's house they found: Nine masks made of human skin, human skin covering several chair seats, a belt made of female nipples, two decapitated heads, and several female heads with the tops sawed off.  These freakish discoveries shocked police and 
Gein was found guilty of first degree murder and eventually died in prison 1984

Creepy Clown

A girl is babysitting a sleeping infant. She goes up regularly to check on the baby and the third time notices a life-size clown standing in the corner/sitting in the crib. A few minutes later the parents call and the babysitter mentions the clown and how unnerving it is. The parents relate that they've never bought a clown and the police are called.
The "clown" is discovered to be a local sex offender waiting for babysitter to go to sleep before attacking her.

Also in addition, here are some two sentence stories they may be short but they pack a punch

 That all for now, see you guys next post, Bye

Friday, 20 February 2015

Hey guys am back with more scary stories, and today My stories are from horror Korean urban tales


The Woman in the picture

 A guy after partying all night long decided to go back home because he was really tired, there were no taxi around and he didn't have a car so he decided to walk, after walking for a while, he was so tired he decided to crash in one of the houses, he then goes over to one house and knocks severally but no one answered, he decided to go in anyway feeling the owner of the house won't mind him crashing on the couch, when he entered into the living room, he noticed a picture, a woman with long flowing hair and really huge eyes, "what a weird picture " He thought as he drifted off to sleep, when he woke up in the morning, a chill went down his spine, the picture he saw wasn't a picture but a window

Pretty Picture

A. Cab driver found a picture on the ground, in it was a pretty girl doing the peace sign ie raising two fingers, he couldn't stop staring at it, he kept staring at it until he had an accident and he died, another man found the picture and this time, the lady in the picture was holding up three fingers


A girl really loved ballet and her mother and father supported her, and paid for her ballet lessons , she would practice day and night, one unfortunate day, she fell down the stairs and broke her leg, heart broken, she knowing she would never be able to dance again killed herself, Years later another family moves into the house and they also have a daughter passionate about ballet, she starts dancing in front of a mirror and she does so for hours, then her mum comes in to check up on her and when she turned To start dancing in front of the mirror it was gone

I hope you guys enjoyed the stories
Good bye and see you next post

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

3 Products that should be in your regimen

To care for type 4 hair, especially Nigerian hair before you start shopping for products, there are 3 products I would advise you to include in your regimen, for softer,fuller, healthier and more manageable hair.

Whether used internally or externally water is one of the best product for your hair. It adds moisture to hair, hydrates dry coils and it softens your hair in the most natural way, better than any leave-in conditioner in the market .My hair is type 4c /4b, initially I used Dark and lovely intensive Moisturising leave-in conditioner and Ors Olive oil leave in conditioner, but they both made my hair feel funny, so water alone became my leave-in conditioner, I would saturate my hair with water in the evening, massage my scalp with oil and seal in with butter, because my hair is coarse and oils alone won't seal in moisture, I would put my hair in braids and take down the next morning and my hair would be soft for days. And when it starts to feel dry I repeat the process again, easy right. So drink more water and use water to add moisture to your hair you won't regret it.

Natural Oil

Natural oils are packed full with fatty acids, amino acids, minerals and Vitamins that can aid hairgrowth,the most common oil Naturalistas can get easily and cheap in Nigeria is olive oil, palm kernel oil, other not so common oils are coconut oil, Jamaican black castor oil etc. Natural oils are divided into two categories . Namely;
Essential oils e.g Peppermint oil,rosemary oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil etc
Carrier oil e.g Coconut oil, Jamaican Black castor oil, Olive oil,palm Kernel oil,grapseed oil,almond oil etc
I personally love love natural oil, I have coconut oil, Olive oil, jbco,palm kernel oil, garlic and orange infused olive oil  , I miss my oil in an applicator bottle and massage into my scalp every night. I get any oil, I can lay my hands on, I even make my own oil coconut oil and it is as easily as pie. Natural oils are most likely to do your hair good than those hair creams they sell in markets. They seal in moisture, conditions the scalp and nourishes the hair shaft and follicles. So instead of being a product junkie be a natural oil junkie


Shea butter, this one of my best hair product, it is moisturising, it also has healing properties and
anti inflammatory properties. It is effective for dry scalp, dry and brittle hair, hair overly processed and relaxed. Shea butter is a natural hair conditioner and it softens hair. It doesn't clog pores and leaves no greasy residue. It is highly rich in Vitamin A and E. In Nigeria women usually use shea butter as heat protectant when stretching their hair, Shea butter is essential in locking in moisture, it restores moisture to hair stripped by sulphate shampoos and chemical relaxers etc. Shea butter can also be used to protect your hair against salts and chlorine in swimming pools, do I have to go on, shea butter is a must have not only for hair but for skin too

Add these wonderful products to your Regimen and you won't regret it.

Bye for now and see you next post