Yes, this picture is not photoshopped, it's a picture of a woman with relaxer burns. Out of like 90% of women who use relaxers about 40% suffer relaxer burns. 80% of these women don't actually read the ingredients in these relaxers and these women don't know that relaxers are very corrosive and dangerous.
Well the truth is that some of these relaxed women are not aware that the relaxers they use are injurious and dangerous to their hair, while some are fully aware and continue to use it, Seriously, I will excuse the ones that don't know but if you are a Chemist,biochemist , pharmacist etc you deal with chemicals everyday and you still see no damage in using relaxers then your degree is worth tissue paper, you passed through school and it didn't pass through you, For crying out loud we are in the 21st century, relaxers were invented in the 1800s actually in 1877 by a slave minded man called Garret Augustus Morgan Sr (see the name sef mtscheeww),
Am I being too harsh, well sorry but it's true, because of the likes of him,black men and women grew and raised children with the mindset that relaxers were the solution for our unkempt, unruly and Nappy hair. Here in Nigeria, if you have natural hair, it's either you are a Deeper life Church member or a freak, your friends will donate money to buy relaxers for you .
People won't get why you will want to (according to them) carry natural hair.
They say things like
1. It won't grow
Nigerian girls would be like they know their friend's brother's uncle's niece's sister who cut her relaxed hair and it didn't grow) don't be stupid, our hair experiences shrinkage, it's longer than it looks, if you spent some time browsing things other than social networks and gossip blogs you would probably know.
2. When I was little, my hair used to break comb
Well that's because the illiterate of a hairdresser doesn't know how to take care of a human hair and shouldn't be allowed to go near your hair
3.I don't have time to take care of natural hair
My friend gimme a break, you can ping for 3-7 hours, gossip for nearly 2 hours, and you can't find time to take care of what grows out of your head, na wa oh
4. I can't cut my hair oh, I will look like a boy
But you idolise the likes of Cassie and Amber Rose, na wah oh, the self esteem of some girls
5. I will take my weaves, to my natural hair any day
My dear that is one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard, so you will rather wear, Horse hair, cadaver hair, stolen hair, synthetic fake hair and hair sacrificed to gods, than the one God put on your head naturally . Na wa oh
6. I know of a girl that uses relaxers and her hair is still long
You know abi, then why is your hair not waist length, GIRL, your hair will be better off without relaxer
7. I hate anything curls
My dear ( dem dey worry you) God who created you with with Kinky hair, do you know better than him
My fellow girls, ladies and women, please dump all these chemical laden products you use and opt for natural things. Our hair grows, it may not be silky like the Mongoloid and Caucasians, but it's our hair, God made Africans unique our hair is beautiful. If you don't believe me browse out Natural hair,I did and it changed my point of view. Love your hair, love your skin and love yourself .if you can't bleach your skin don't relax your hair, Relaxing your hair is a slave mentality, whether you like it or not,love your curls or coils, whether it's thick, wiry,fine, soft,coarse it grows on your head, if you won't want to set fire to your eyes, don't apply relaxers to your hair.
Whether texturiser relaxers, kiddie relaxer or whatever as long as it alters what God created throw it out, Love yourself, in my next post I will discuss the ingredients in relaxers, If you read this and you are still adamant then it's your business, there are a lot of cancer causing agents out there and am happy to remove relaxers from my list, there is such a thing as brain tumours . Thanks all for now,
see you next post